Praise Family Church has been around since 1915 and we’re stronger than ever today. Our hearts burn for the lost and we refuse to slow down. Our gifted leadership team and staff members are a diverse group, fully committed to seeing your family grow stronger in faith.



Praise Family Church is a Pastor-led body of believers. We are blessed to have seasoned, knowledgeable and relevant leaders.

Pastor Tom Turner

Tom Turner has been the Lead Pastor at Praise since 1995, beginning with an initial attendance of just 12 people. Bringing forty years of experience and a vision for reaching families, PT has seen Praise grow into one of the most exciting churches on the Gulf Coast. He has four sons: Brandon, Bradley, Bailey and Brady.

In 2014 Pastor Tom’s wife, Lori, was diagnosed with cancer and passed away a few short weeks later. Despite this enormous loss, Pastor Tom still sensed the call to stay at Praise Family Church and lead his family through this tragedy. Miraculously, Pastor Tom remarried with Pamela Dew and gained two more sons, Kris and Kyle. Pastor Tom and Pam now lead Praise with a vision to reach around the world. They also serve together on the boards of many world missions and national ministries.

Pastor Tom is a graduate of South Eastern University and Life Christian University.

Pastor Brandon Turner

Brandon Turner is Pastor Tom’s oldest son. In 2010 he joined the staff to work in the facilities department. Growing up at Praise, he had seen how easy it was for young people to fall away from the Lord. When an opportunity arose for him to lead PFC Young Adults, he jumped at the chance and led it to new heights.

His heart to help young people know Jesus expanded, and with it so did his responsibilities. Currently he serves as the Executive Pastor of Generations, overseeing all of our efforts for people under thirty. This includes children, youth, college and young adult ministries. Pastor Brandon also leads our facility teams. He and his wife, Lori, have two children, Micah and Lily.

Pastor Brandon is a graduate of the University of Mobile.



Praise Family Church is blessed with wise and experienced lay members of our Corporate Board. This team provides counsel to the Pastor and financial accountability for the Body. They serve with the Pastors as the Corporate Officers of the Church.

Chan Keller

Chan Keller and his wife, Jeanette, have been active, serving members of Praise for over 50 years. The depth of experience they bring to our leadership is unparalleled. Chan is the retired Athletic Director for the City of Mobile and Jeanette the retired CEO of Blue Flame Credit Union. Together they have raised a wonderful family and continue to serve their church and community with model faithfulness.

Bradley Ward

Brad Ward had been a member of a nominal church all of his life when a traveling minister told him for the first time that he could be born again. His conversion was so radical that many who knew him found Christ by his example alone. Now he has been a part of Praise Family Church for almost three decades. Together with his wife, Margaret, he adds unique business insights and a love for missions to the Praise Leadership Team. Brad is the retired owner of Auto World and an entrepreneur. Margret is the retired human resources and administration manager for Airbus Mobile.

William “Bill” Sessions

Bill Sessions is a professional commercial shrimper and owner of multiple corporations, but you don’t have to be around him very long to realize Jesus is his real passion. He and his wife and business partner, Debra, share a love of missions, church and family. They have been active members of Praise Family Church for over twenty years. His vast business experience and life of prayer is evident in his servant leadership to the church.



The Staff of Praise Family Church are the amazing team that handles the day in and day out operations that allow ministry to happen. Together with hundreds of volunteers our church is able to reach around the World.  You can use the information below each staff member’s name to contact them.

Worship Leader and Technical Director - Logan Stephenson


Marketing and Creative Arts - Bradley Turner

Assistant to Lead Pastor - Josie Porter

Generations Curriculum Coordinator - Lori Turner

Praise Kids Director - Samantha Alexander

Assistant to Executive Pastor - Jennifer Ward

Ladies Ministry - Pam Turner


Purchasing - Michelle Jones

Accounting - Christy Tapper

Guest Services Director - David Blackburn

Member Services Director - Melinda Strickland

Social Media Manager - Miranda Hautau

Prison Campus - David Baker


The Core General Manager - Jessica Blackburn

Generations Ast. - Isabelle Tapper

Sound Tech./Landscape - Stuart Mason

Facilities Coordinator - Delana Ibsen 


Maintenance - Tommy Patrick


Hanna Reynolds

Katy Lane